Struggling with constipation? We’ll cover how to sit on the toilet and the best positions to help you poop more comfortably and efficiently.
Taking a crap is some of the slickest science out there. Our body combines biology, chemistry, and physics to turn food into energy and the leftovers into projectile poop. Amazing! But sometimes, our approach to shitting leads to some unwanted science – like popping out a strangled hemorrhoid.
Quick pooping anatomy 101: When food passes through your stomach and small intestine, your body works hard to absorb its nutrients. Everything that reaches the colon is undigested waste––food that no longer has anything nutritional to absorb. This waste releases some water to the body but mainly, moves to the rectum holding tank. It’s there that your brain signals your sphincter muscles to relax and release.
How we sit on the toilet can 100% affect how well we empty that rectum. Here are some of the best positions to help you poop whether you're constipated or not.
What’s the Best Pose To Poop In?
The official term for poop positions is “defecation postures”––which would lead you to believe there’s this in-depth pooping universe we’re all missing out on. (Reverse toilet girl?) Nope. Science is sticking with squatting and sitting. Here's how to poop properly:
- Most Effective But Least Comfy: Squatting
- Most Comfy But Least Effective: Sitting
- Best of Both: Sitting with your feet up
- Sitting PLUS, Option A: Hips flexed
- Sitting PLUS, Option B: The thinker, aka the stinker
Squatting Is The Best Way to Poop

Squatting is the OG pose when it comes to pooping more completely without strain. Gravity and colon alignment work best when you bend at the knees and gently bear down into a deep squat. We’re talking bootyhole at ankle level.
You prob don’t have a European hole-in-the ground toilet tho, right? If you have freakish balance, you can literally perch on your existing toilet seat like a frog in waiting––just make sure your seat is bolted on tight.

You know this pooping position well, which was made popular in the 19th century when indoor plumbing went mainstream. Sitting is easy on your joints and allows for max multi-tasking, like scrolling Facebook marketplace. But it doesn’t always allow your rectal muscles to relax in a straight line. Some GI experts attribute conditions such as IBS and chronic constipation to generations of sitting poopers.
So what are we constipated westerners supposed to doo? Answer: Combine the comfort of sitting with the benefits of squatting. Most poopers choose to invest in devices that simulate squatting on a Western toilet, like a modified toilet seat or foot stool which flexes the hips and elevates the feet. According to a study featured in TIME, these devices can help align your rectal muscles more effectively, improving bowel movements and reducing strain.
Sitting With Your Feet Up

You don’t need a pilates bod to achieve this posture. Propping your feet on a toilet stool or even a trash can lifts your legs into a superior pooping position without putting pressure on your joints. This is the sweet spot between sitting and squatting, and you may notice more *complete* dumps as a result.
Sitting With Your Hips Flexed

Take a seat and open your hips to a 60-degree angle for optimal bowel movement. Flexing your hips away from your body can help move your rectal muscles into a more neutral pooping position. This can help reduce painful straining.
The “Thinker” Position

This forward hunched pooping position can have big scientific benefits, like increasing your anorectal angle and perineal plane distance to relieve your body from constipation. Leaning forward helps you defecate properly by straightening the pathway for stool to pass more easily. This position uses gravity to your advantage, relaxing the muscles around the rectum and making the process of pooping smoother and less strained. You should also consider resting your elbows on your knees for full effect.
What to Do When Poop is Stuck?
Even the best pooping postures can’t undo severe dehydration, chronic stress, or a diet of straight T-Bell. Pooping is a complete science. Meaning everything affects everything else.
To help move things along when a poop is stuck and set your new toilet moves up for success, try these tips:
- Eating plenty of fiber. Aim for 25 to 38 grams every day to from sources like brown rice, beans, flax seeds, nuts, fibrous veggies, fruits, and whole grains.
- Staying hydrated. Not drinking enough water (6-8 glasses daily) can result in hard, painful-to-pass stools. Remember, alcohol and sugary drinks cuts into your daily hydration.
- Moving your body. ALL your organs benefit from exercise, including your colon. Regular exercise can stimulate blood flow to your abdominal area, aiding bowel movements.
- Paying attention to the rhythm of your body. Never ignore the urge to go––pull a Kevin Malone and SCOOT. And try to poop at the same time every day to regulate your schedule.
Read more tips for Constipation Relief:
You Know Your Butt + Body Best
Physiologically speaking, the correct position to poop is squatting because the flexion within our hips allows our rectoanal canal to straighten. But every body works differently and responds differently. Experiment with the postures above. Try a pooping stool. Make some lifestyle changes. If you’re straining to keep things pain-free and regular, talk to your doctor. Everybody poops and EVERYBODY struggles with it at some point.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Know If I’m Constipated?
Two big giveaways: frequency and consistency of poos. Are you going fewer than three times a week? And are those poos small, hard, and painful to pass? You might be constipated. But don’t fret, constipation is extremely common and can be easily alleviated with some simple lifestyle changes.
Should You Push When You Poop?
Pushing when you poop is fine, so long as you aren’t straining or holding your breath. When pooping is painful, try a modification (like a pooping stool) instead of bearing down for a fight. If you can’t go after 15 minutes, go for a walk, drink some water, and try again later.
What’s The Best Way To Stimulate A Bowel Movement?
Our digestive systems are creatures of habit, so they LOVE routine. Regulating your system is the ultimate ticket to euphoric poops. Here are a few quick fixes to get you realigned and on your way.
Can Toilet Height Affect Bowel Movements?
100%! A raised seat or too-tall toilet can increase your risk of constipation. Remember, your knees want to be ABOVE your hips to relax your pelvic floor and align your rectal muscles. Experiment with a lower seat or introduce a pooping stool to raise your foot placement.